Журнал "Комбикорма" — единственное периодическое издание, освещающее все вопросы производства и использования комбикормов: экономика, техника, технология, эффективность применения в хозяйствах

Rules of designing of scientific articles

Necessary demands for the publication of scientific articles in Compound Feed Magazine are the relevance of the article to the topic, the results of their original research by the authors, reliability and analytical processing of the material. The article should summarize the state of affairs on the issue studied with reference to the publication; as well as include goals, objectives, conditions and methods of research. It should also have conclusions and suggestions.

The article may include a small number of charts, tables, drawings, diagrams and photographs. Per 2.5 pages of text there may be no more than 1 figure or table. They must be brought into the appropriate place of the article, entitled and numbered. The text also should contain references to the relevant tables or figures.

At the beginning of the article should be stated UDC. The title should be brief - no more than 5-7 words and reflect the essence of the problem (in Russian and English), full name (Rus., Eng.), indicating academic degrees / titles of the author and co-authors. Abstract of 3-5 sentences (Rus., Eng.); keywords of 4-6 pcs. (Rus., Eng.). It is necessary to have a list of references, which includes 6-10 sources. It must be placed in alphabetical order, first in Russian, then in English, but with continuous numbering (in accordance with GOST 7.1-2003).

The authors are responsible for the accuracy of the cited in the article quotes and statistics.

Articles should be sent by e-mail: red-kombikorma@yandex.ru

Technical requirements

Material for submission to the magazine is typed in a text editor Word. The size of publications is 6-9 pp. of typescript of the typed font Courier New, 14 point size with half interval. Digital images can be sent by e-mail in archived form (*.zip and *.rar). Charts, diagrams, drawings and photographs should be sent in a separate graphics files.

Typically, illustrations (photos) placed in Microsoft Word, can not be used for printing; in a Microsoft Word file it is transmitted only text and tables, while images, raster or vector graphics should be attached as separate files*.

Requirements for raster and vector graphics:

Photos: resolution - 300 dpi, color model - RGB, CMYK.

The files in the format: * .tif, * .psd, * .jpg (with minimal compression), * .eps, * .pdf.

Files are accepted:

- By e-mail in archived form (* .zip and * .rar),

- Via file sharing,

- The following removable media: DVD-ROM, CD-ROM, USB-flash.

When there is a need to scan materials (tables, graphs, and others) from books, magazines and other printed materials, you should put the resolution of 600-900 dpi, and sent to the editor in this form. Graphic materials from Power Point presentations do not meet the necessary requirements for the quality of the raw materials for the layout, and it is desirable not to use them. Otherwise, we can not provide good quality of printing*.

*If you have any technical questions, please call the editors to consult with experts.

Non-compliance of article to one of the listed items can be as a basis for refusing from publication of the article. Articles containing information about the results of research reviewed, on the basis of reviewing it makes decision on the advisability of publishing of the materials. Publication of article in the magazine will take place only once in the mailbox of the editorial office (127550, Moscow, Timiryazevskaya 42, office 111) will arrive the supporting documents (letter from the scientific organization and review), the article from the author, the last page which was signed by the authors. In preparing of the article all the correspondence with the author of the revision is conducing only by e-mail.

Inquiries about admission of papers in the office and their progress can be obtained by phone: 8 (499) 977-48-92, 977-65-84. All materials are not returned. The payment of publication is not charged from graduates. In one issue it can not be published two articles from one author. Within one year the magazine may publish no more than three articles of one author. We expect from our authors not only the content of scientific articles and recommendations for production, but also discussion papers, as well as a story about the experience of the implementation of scientific development in specific farms.

№ 6

Дорогие читатели!

ПОДПИСКА-2018 подписка на ежемесячный журнал «КОМБИКОРМА» Подписные индексы в каталоге «Роспечати» на год 71379, на полугодие 70435 Стоимость одного экземпляра - 400 руб. (без учета доставки) Также вы можете подписать заявку по электронной почте: red-kombikorma@yandex.ru
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