Журнал "Комбикорма" — единственное периодическое издание, освещающее все вопросы производства и использования комбикормов: экономика, техника, технология, эффективность применения в хозяйствах

№ 08-11


Quality & Efficiency

Exhibitions, forums, conferences in Russia and abroad in the first half of 2012 … 102

A. Kiselyov, S. Sutyagina.Three factors of success … 61

The concept of optimal feeding of sows and piglets … 65

M. Domoroshchenkova.On changes in standardization of soybean extraction cake … 69

J. Htou.An optimal ratio of tryptophan and lysine in sow diets … 71

O. Shcherbakova, O. Kazakova.Secondary products of the food industry in functional compound feeds … 75

T. Okolelova, A. Larionov.Various sources of sodium in compound feeds for broiler chickens … 77

A. Safonov, P. Prokofyev.The multi-purpose feed additive forlaying hens … 81

V. Salomatin, D. Zlepkin, Yu. Kravchenko.The seleno-organic preparation in pig feeding … 82

V. Kryukov.The regulation of electrolyte balance in cow rations … 87

S. Bozhko.«Productivity. Profit. Planet» … 89

Baltic Forum of Veterinary Medicine’2011 … 93

A. Galkin.The biosystem to detect dioxins in feeds … 97

Economics & Organization

«We value our reputation» … 12

O. Kananykhin.Shchigrovo’s feed mill has a good foundation for the future … 16

Dmitrov’s Mountain turns the mountains … 19

Sh. Vakhitov.Feed production is the basis of the highly productive animal husbandry … 2

On the way to harmonization … 25

Analysis of the world compound feeds market … 26

«Pig Breeding-2011» … 5

The dialogue on topical issues of the grain industry … 9


M. Soskin.Melinvest’s feed mills: healthy feed … 30

N. Stelmakh.The development of new directions of Big Dutchman … 33

H. Bosshart.Customers as partners in developing of new equipment … 36

A. Ostrikov, V. Vasilenko.Compound feeds extruding: new approaches and prospects … 39

I. Tsaplienko.We are developing by keeping traditions … 45

A. Garzanov, O. Dorofeyeva, S. Kapustin.Extruded feeds from biowastes … 47

S. Kozlov, M. Ivanov, E. Ilyukevich.The universal automated control system to operate a press-granulator … 51

G. Zakladnoy, V. Saulkin.Detection of insect pests in grain stocks without sampling … 57

№ 6

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