Журнал "Комбикорма" — единственное периодическое издание, освещающее все вопросы производства и использования комбикормов: экономика, техника, технология, эффективность применения в хозяйствах

№ 03-09



V. Nechaev.The StateKubanAgrouniversityin the innovation process of the Regional agricultural sector … 13

A. Dmitrenko.An easy wayto buy grain … 16

L. Dracheva.Compound feeds for commercial fish breeding … 3

L. Lishayova, T. Turchina, N. Nazarova.The feeds manufacture: possibilities of supply with oil and extraction cakes … 8


O. Mavrin.If you want to have a job — buy in Russia … 18

A. Batenko.The optimization of portion quality in multicomponent proportioning … 22

E. Velichko.New technologies in extruding … 24

V. Borisov, R. Gladkikh.Tomorrow is on the threshold! … 27

V. Afanasyev, V. Shcheblykin, L. Kortunov, V. Poleshchuk.The heating system for liquid ingredients adding … 29

A. Perov.A grain huller for glumiferous crops … 33

A. A. Sandulyak, O. Martynov, V. Ershova, A.V. Sandulyak, M. Pugacheva, D. Ershov.The comber-type magnetic separators … 34

P. Razantsvei.The technology to produce feather meal … 35


N. Lisitsyna, N. Platonova, S. Shkatova, S. Trufanova.New standards for compound feeds testing methods … 40

G. Cherkasova.Quantitative and qualitative control at mixed-feed plants … 43

G. Vorobyeva, G. Maksimova, L. Neminushchaya, P. Golovin, D. Shevchenko, V. Priz.Protein components in starter compound feeds for fish … 45

A. Golovin, M. Kirilov, V. Vinogradov, S. Kumarin. Rape seeds and products of their processing in compound feeds for milking cows … 49

I. Yegorov, Yu. Ponomarenko.Rape extraction cakes in poultry rations … 51

G. Chokhataridi, Z. Ibragimova, I. Doeva. Holy thistle extraction cakes improve pork quality … 53

E. Burdaeva. The fish meal — yes! A counterfeit — no! … 55

T. Okolelova.Meal of animal origin in poultry feeding … 57

M. Mil’kina.Peculiarities of dry fat use in milking cow diets … 61

A. Zykov, A. Golubev, S. Liman.The phytomineral sorbent with probiotic in broilers feeding … 62

L. Pykhtina, V. Ulit’ko, O. Erisanova.A nanostructured preparation for broilers … 63

V. Kryukov.New feed sources of methionine … 67

I. Ryabchik.Selenium is a vital element for the poultry organism … 69

A. Pavlenko, D. Golovachev.It’s time to use effective supplements … 70

N. Kulikov, A. Bedenko.The economic substantiation of pro-biotics used in broiler farming … 73

K. Mayer, O. Romanov.Flavoring agents: there is the key of an optimal feed consumption by calves … 75

O. Zuev.The company based on confidence … 79

V. Shtarkl. How to eliminate negative effect of the mycotoxins … 80

B. Ebbinge.New generation of preparations in the control of enterobacterias … 81

№ 6

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